Sunday, September 27, 2009

New York

Dropped Katie & Eula off at the airport yesterday morning to go visit her sister. Here's an iphone pic she sent from Brooklyn later in the day. Nothing eventful yet, aside from Delta loosing her one piece of luggage which they eventually delivered to her in Broklyn. Staughty and I are bachin it for the mean time.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


it is proving hard to find the time to "blog", but still definitely something i want to do. As you can see from the pictures, we just got back from visiting Mark and Joi in Florida, where we spent lots of time at the beach, the alligator farm and drinking White Russians (my new favorite- Joi makes them perfect!).  We also got to see my dear wonderful friend Canaan and her family for just a bit. They happened to be in GA while we were in Florida, but luckily our trips overlapped enough for us to see each other for a second! I got us lost on the way home, but we ended up in savannah so we walked around a bit there too.
Eula chose this trip to roll over for the first time. Rolling over is one of the first big developmental milestones in a newbie's life. Other than "sleeping through the night" (which Staughty did not do for 8 months!). With the exception of sleeping,  Staughty and Eula are pretty similar as newborns. Like Staughty, Eula is a big girl at 16 lbs. @ 14 weeks.  Staughty rolled over at about 14 weeks and so did Eula. None of this would or should concern me except  I am now scared Eula will continue to follow in Staughty's footsteps. crawling at 5 1/2 months and walking at 8 1/2 months!!! I had to watch him constantly and still couldn't prevent him falling and breaking his front tooth @ 19 months which was followed by a root canal. But the one tooth smile fits our boy and I wouldn't change it! 

Mobility sure does change things. I have enjoyed this blob stage with Eula because it has allowed me to just get used to having another body around. I could set Eula down somewhere and know she wouldn't move. Now everytime I lay her in her bed, she rolls over. its like a magnet. With mobility, you also seem to get a little more personality. I love this.  Our girl smiles all the stinkin time. She'll be nursing and stop every few seconds to look up and smile at me. I have no idea how she is so fat because she wont stop smiling long enough to eat.

 I think God does these stages on purpose. You need 9-10 months to be pregnant for the baby to grow of course, but also for you to grow- physically and emotionally. I think i was in denial that i was pregnant until Staughty was born! They sleep for about 23 hours the first few days after he/she is born. Thats because you need to sleep as well! Then they slowly wake up just as you are about ready to. The blob stage comes in handy as you are learning to take care of the babe or take care of 2 at once! God definitely prepares for you for whatever life stage or situation you are in, and then gives you the grace to do it. I need that. I need growth and change even though so often i fight it. If it was up to me nothing would ever change. But then the change happens and it was needed. 

Mobility- i guess i'm ready for it. Lets hope for no broken teeth this time around.